Another variant of the letters, the Sniper Elite 4 Letters to Home, are very similar to the Letters from Home.
The main difference is that these are missives that haven’t yet been sent to friends and acquaintances back home – and let’s be honest, they’ll never reach the destination if you have your hands on them.
You can search the environment for Letters to Home collectibles, or even loot dead soldiers (they carry many types of documents, like Last Letters or Duty Rosters).
Sniper Elite 4 Letters to Home Details
You can collect up to 50 Sniper Elite 4 Letters to Home, since there are 5 in each mission of the video game.
You can always track the collectibles in the pause menu or in the service record section, where you can also revisit them.
Once you pick up a Letter to Home you can restart the checkpoint without having to collect it again.
This comes in handy when a soldier has your collectible: just tag him with the binoculars to be sure, kill him and loot his body, then restart and use a stealthier strategy to advance.
Getting all 150 Letters in Sniper Elite 4 will net you The Collector achievement/trophy.
Below you can find a text guide that shows the locations of all 50 Sniper Elite 4 Letters to Home collectibles. Use the maps we have included in our guide, or watch the videos from our Sniper Elite 4 playlist on YouTube.
Note: The guide does not include the collectibles from the two co-op Overwatch missions, Compound and Railyard.
Mission 1: San Celini Island

Letter to Home #1
The first Letter to Home is on a log next to a camp fire, hard to miss.
Letter to Home #2
Along the paved road there are two tents next to a fire. Search inside the tents to find the Letter to Home collectible.
Letter to Home #3
At the spot marked by 3 on our map there is a two-tent camp (near a Deadeye Target). The third Letter to Home is on the desk inside one of the tents.
Letter to Home #4
Exit the previous tent and take the stairs nearby to reach a lower area. You should come across a campfire surrounded by crates. The Sniper Elite 4 Letter to Home is sitting on one of the smaller white crates.
Letter to Home #5
Search the first floor of the big house in the central village. The fifth and final Letter to Home is on a filing cabinet to the right of the stairs.
Mission 2: Bitanti Village

Letter to Home #1
There is a soldier named Elmar Shriver that can be found on the balcony marked by 1 on the map. He’s the one that you have to kill to retrieve the Letter to Home collectible. You can get a jump on him if you climb the small roof by the stairs adjacent to the main road.
Letter to Home #2
Go to the second floor of the tavern in the main plaza and look on the counter for the Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #3
To reach the specified point on the map you can start from the middle of the stairs that lead to the church. Head through the archway on your right-side, while facing the church, then follow the stairs to find a small terrace. The third Letter to Home is on the round table that’s on the terrace.
Letter to Home #4
In the orchard, you can find Lieutenant Tristano Bellocchi. As a special item, he carries a safe code. Get it from his body, then use it to open the safe in the small house/office. Inside the safe you can find a Sniper Elite 4 Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #5
Above the orchard is a tower where you find a radio operator. Past the tower is another entrance to the Castle, where a Nazi Officer patrols. Clear the area, then look for the Letter to Home on a waist-high wall next to an archway.
Mission 3: Regilino Viaduct

Letter to Home #1
On the higher level of the open area in the middle of the map is a small house with only one room. Search on the round table in the far-right corner from the entrance to find the first Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #2
This Sniper Elite 4 Letter to Home can be found on one of the wooden crates that are on the small pier.
Letter to Home #3
A small encampment with two tents can be found at the point marked on the map. The Letter to Home is inside the tent closer to the road.
Letter to Home #4
You can find the fourth Letter to Home on a table inside the barracks, opposite to the bunks.
Letter to Home #5
Many scaffoldings are placed around the viaduct pillars. Naturally, enemies roam on all the levels. Try to tag the ones on the lower levels until you find a soldier named Johannes Kogler. He’s the one that has the last Letter to Home in the level.
Mission 4: Lorino Dockyard

Letter to Home #1
Right when you start the mission (after the briefing), you should see a campfire near a ruined house. Get rid of the soldier that sits on the chair by the fire, then collect the Letter to Home next to him.
Letter to Home #2
Reach the upper floor of the warehouse marked on the map and tag the soldiers until you find the one named Dolf Lehmann. Loot him to get the Sniper Elite 4 Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #3
There is a red building near the train tracks. Go inside the office on the second floor and check desk opposite from the entrance to find the collectible.
Letter to Home #4
To get the fourth Letter to Home you have to kill Orlando Foschini. You can find him on an elevated position at the spot marked by 4 on our map.
Letter to Home #5
You can find this Letter to Home at the south entrance of the yard, on a small crate next to a wooden booth. Look above the entrance for a banner with the words “Scalo di Lorino”.
Mission 5: Abrunza Monastery

Letter to Home #1
The first Letter to Home is on a table inside a room on the upper floor of the house. Use the stairs on the side of the house and check the second room as you enter.
Letter to Home #2
Inside the two-stories home with the antenna. The Letter to Home is on the dining table in the room with the stairs which you use to reach the second floor.
Letter to Home #3
This Letter to Home is on a small nightstand on the second floor of the house marked by 3 on our map.
Letter to Home #4
As you enter the courtyard of the Castle Hill fort using the main gates, go inside the building to your left and look on the table that’s close to the entrance to find the Sniper Elite 4 Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #5
The fifth and final Letter to Home in mission 5 can be found at the monastery. Pick it up from the desk in the library that’s on the second floor (above the small courtyard in front of the chapel).
Mission 6: Magazzeno Facility

Letter to Home #1
You can get the first Letter to Home from the room beneath the large cannon that you have to destroy. Look for it on the crates next to the missile warheads.
Letter to Home #2
Go to the fort that’s on the south side of the map. Check inside one of the towers that are closer to the water to find the Letter to Home collectible on a round table lit by an oil lamp.
Letter to Home #3
The third Letter to Home is on the crates that can be found inside the observation post overlooking the water.
Letter to Home #4
Climb the stairs that lead to the radar dish and look for a couple of empty cable rolls (use the map to pinpoint the location). The Letter to Home is on top of one of them.
Letter to Home #5
Now descend from the dish platform using the stairs on the opposite side and check under the roof that covers the stairs which connect to the other side of the map. On a crate in the corner is the last Letter to Home in the mission.
Mission 7: Giovi Fiorini Mansion

Letter to Home #1
A small path between the buildings leads to the water. The Letter to Home collectible is on one of the many crates that can be found at this location. It’s easy to spot it once you know the crate you’re looking for is under the lit lamp by the door.
Letter to Home #2
Go to the balcony/terrace of “Caffe Mario” and grab the second Letter to Home from one of the round tables of the customers.
Letter to Home #3
This Letter to Home is on a pliable camp bed found at the encampment with the artillery gun, on the upper side of the waterfront.
Letter to Home #4
Now follow the alley south, and after you cross a small stone bridge look on the benches to your right-hand side to find another Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #5
Next, use the stairs nearby to go to the lower path and head to the pier marked on the map. The final Letter to Home in mission 7 is on a wooden crate on the end of the pier.
Mission 8: Allagra Fortress

Letter to Home #1
The first Letter to Home is inside the observation post near the side entrance of the fortress. To get it, check the desk in the back room of the post.
Letter to Home #2
Not far from the hangar with missiles (or the command center which is on the same level) is a multi-function mess hall. You can get two Letters to Home from this room. The first collectible is on one of the tables, next to some board games.
Letter to Home #3
The other one is on the shelf in the dark corner.
Letter to Home #4
On the ground floor of the fortress (west side on the map) is a repair area with a few military vehicles. Head past the APC (half-track) and look on the work table under the catwalk on the left to find the Letter to Home.
Letter to Home #5
You can get the final Letter to Home from a desk in the room with hydrogen peroxide containers. It’s next to an arc rectifier on the far end of the area.