Up to 30 Horizon Zero Dawn Metal Flowers can be collected from the massive regions featured in the PlayStation 4 game.
The Metal Flowers are mysterious pieces of technology that are found in areas surrounded by flower patches arranged in a triangle pattern.
However, they aren’t always located in the center of the areas marked on the map. That is, if you bought the corresponding botanist’s map from one of the merchants.
Keep in mind that the Metal Flowers are displayed as a purple haze if you scan them from a distance using your Focus. But when you are near them they will bloom, as if they know you somehow.
Considering all of the above, it would seem that the Metal Flowers are fairly easy to discover, which is a true statement – for the most part at least.
Those flowers which you will find problematic are found in our Horizon Zero Dawn collectibles locations guide that also features a complete map to help you navigate to the specific collectible that’s described in the text.
Horizon Zero Dawn Metal Flowers Collectibles Details
As it’s the case with other types of collectibles, like Ancient Vessels or Banuk Artifacts, the Metal Flowers are split into 3 sets. Being the most numerous of all collectibles, it means that each set features 10 of these strange flowers.
You can always take a look in the collectables section of the Notebook menu to see the ones in your inventory, and considering they have a letter of the alphabet, it’s easy to see which flower you’re missing from each set.
While you’re in the Notebook, you can read the text behind each Metal Flower, which looks like computer source code, but upon further inspection you can tell it is actually poetry.
Kudiv from the city of Meridian is a specialized merchant who is interested to buy a “very special kind of flower” in exchange for valuable rewards.
Our advice is to go to Meridian immediately after you complete each set of Horizon Zero Dawn Metal Flowers and sell them to Kudiv, because the stuff that you get by opening one of Kudiv’s Reward Boxes is pretty sweet.
Each box includes 1000 shards, 2 purple mods and 5 mod boxes. That brings us to a whopping total of 3000 Metal Shards, 15 Modification Boxes, and 6 very rare Modification Coils – valuable rewards indeed.
You can buy two shadow weapons or purple armors (if you have the other rare robot parts) then upgrade them with the coils that you found, and you would still have some money left for materials or ammo.
First Metal Flower found and All Metal Flowers found are the trophies that you will unlock after you collect one and all 30 Metal Flowers, respectively.
For more useful video guides and walkthroughs head over to our Horizon Zero Dawn Youtube playlist.
Note: The map is very large, so we recommend you to open it in a new tab to zoom in!
Metal Flowers Locations
Metal Flower #1: Mark I (B)
The first Metal Flower in the game is somewhat hidden from sight, because it’s on a plateau that’s out of reach from the mountain path.
Instead, go through the west gate from Rost’s house and use the zip line that’s on the path below you. Then jump on the tight rope to reach the collectible.
Metal Flower #2: Mark I (A)
Return to the cave in which Aloy fell as a child to find the second Metal Flower. Drop down to the bottom floor, then hug the right wall. After the small flight of stairs head through the half-opened door.
Once you exit the first room smash the stalactites/stalagmites on the left-hand side using the spear. The collectible is standing in the middle of a patch of grass.
Metal Flower #3: Mark I (C)
Start from the stone that points the way to Mother’s Rise and follow the road to find a burned house and a shack on the left side of the road. The Metal Flower is on the small hill behind the house.
Metal Flower #4: Mark I (F)
East from Mother’s Heart is another underground cave (the same one where you find the secret Shield-Weaver armor). Carefully descend inside, then dive in the water. Swim to the alcove on your left side to get the Metal Flower.
Metal Flower #5: Mark I (D)
This one is in the mountains east from Devil’s Thirst camp. It’s above the excavation area that you visit during the main quest The War-Chief’s Trail. Use the Focus to locate it.
Metal Flower #6: Mark I (E)
Fast travel to the campfire that’s in the woods south from Devil’s Grief (also south from the marked location on the map). Now make your way north through the trees.
Get past the first ruins on the left to find a second one, also on the left side. The flower patch is on the ground next to the ruined building.
Metal Flower #7: Mark I (G)
Stay in the same area, Devil’s Grief, but go to the south-east campfire, the one that has a pond nearby. Head east, around the tall building, to find the Horizon Zero Dawn Metal Flower standing at the base of it.
Beware of the enemies in the area, they are Corrupted variants of the usual machines.
Metal Flower #8: Mark I (H)
The next one can be found in the snowy mountains up north, in the vicinity of the caves featured in the main mission The Grave-Hoard. There is a campfire near a small frozen lake. The collectible is literally a few steps away from the fire.
Metal Flower #9: Mark I (I)
Head south from Hunter’s Gathering to find some trees next to the main road (look for a yellow zip-line attached to a rock; you should be near its lower end). The Metal Flower is in the middle of the trees.
Metal Flower #10: Mark I (J)
Now go west from the previous location to find a waterfall flowing in the lake. Start from the small bridge and follow the waterfall upstream.
You don’t have to climb too much to reach the Metal Flower, just turn on the Focus if you have any trouble locating it (hint: it’s behind the tree between the rocks).
Metal Flower #10: Mark I (J)
Now go west from the previous location to find a waterfall flowing in the lake. Start from the small bridge and follow the waterfall upstream.
You don’t have to climb too much to reach the Metal Flower, just turn on the Focus if you have any trouble locating it (hint: it’s behind the tree between the rocks).
Metal Flower #11: Mark III (C)
While this belongs to Set 3, it is found in the first area of the map. Just follow the path from Two-Teeth bandit camp in the northern mountains to find a Sawtooth site. The Metal Flower is on the ridge, between two peaks.
Metal Flower #12: Mark II (B)
This flower is on a small island on the lake east from the gate that leads to the desert area. Look for the wreckage of a crashed spacecraft.
Metal Flower #13: Mark II (A)
Now use the gate to reach the desert and go north through the narrow path across the tiny river. There is a single tree that you can find in this area, and nearby, the Metal Flower.
Metal Flower #14: Mark II (E)
The next flower is placed close to a small pond in the valley surrounded by mountains covered in snow (use our map to find the place). However, there are two huge Thunderjaws patrolling the area, so exercise caution.
Metal Flower #15: Mark II (C)
The Metal Flower is at the crossroad north from Lone Light, on the shore of the river, hard to miss.
Metal Flower #16: Mark III (J)
To locate the collectible, you must go under the rock bridge just east from Lone Light. It’s on the opposite end from the settlement.
Metal Flower #17: Mark III (H)
Follow the same river south to reach the lake circled by a Tallneck. The Metal Flower is on the shore, west from the northern island.
Metal Flower #18: Mark III (I)
In the jungle, east from the city of Meridian. It’s on the top of the mesa that you explore as part of the main quest Honor the Fallen. The Metal Flower is on a tall rock separated from the mesa, so you need to cross using the yellow rope. The place is filled with Glinthawks, thread carefully.
Metal Flower #19: Mark III (B)
This Horizon Zero Dawn Metal Flower is on the large plateau on the east side of the map, overlooking the jungle. It sits on one of the triangular rock “fingers”.
Metal Flower #20: Mark III (A)
Head to the jungle south from the previous collectible and you should be able the find the Metal Flower between two rock pillars, almost above a short waterfall.
Metal Flower #21: Mark III (F)
The 21st Metal Flower is on top of a mesa with an old satellite dish. Use the ledges on the east side to climb up. The collectible is around the rocks a bit further from the campfire.
Metal Flower #22: Mark III (D)
Go the Bellowbacks site west from Cauldron XI. You should find a makeshift bridge from wooden poles that runs over the small river. Look for the flowers on the tiny patch of land next to the bridge.
Metal Flower #23: Mark III (E)
South from Meridian village is a tall mesa with a merchant on top of it. Ascend using the ledges on the south face and check around the rock that’s behind the merchant.
Metal Flower #24: Mark III (G)
To get the next Metal Flower go west from Meridian, past the campfire standing on the edge of the cliffs. The ground here is pretty flat, with just a few trees and small rocks protruding here and there. It is better to use your Focus and search at the crossroads.
Metal Flower #25: Mark II (J)
Literally on the shore of the biggest lake on the map, look for the Metal Flower at the base of the easternmost neck of land.
Metal Flower #26: Mark II (I)
Follow the road to Dimmed Bones, the large plateau with ruined satellite dishes. Inspect the south side of the plateau to find a bunch of cactuses. The Metal Flower collectible sits in the middle of them.
Metal Flower #27: Mark II (H)
This one is in the valley south-west from Sunfall, next to a tree. Easy to find.
Metal Flower #28: Mark II (D)
Now go to the mountains north-east from Sunfall. Begin from the campfire and make your way to the top using the available ledges. The Horizon Zero Dawn Metal Flower is waiting on a flat surface just below the peak.
Metal Flower #29: Mark II (F)
There is a rocky hill at the spot marked on our map by 29, east from a Corrupted Zone. The collectible is almost at the top, on the north side of the hill – you can climb using the path on the east.
Metal Flower #30: Mark II (G)
The thirtieth Metal Flower and the last one in our guide is in the mountains that are in the northernmost point on the map. It is placed on a rock at the side of the inclined path that leads to the gate which indicates the edge of the map.
If you’re stealthy enough you can even avoid the powerful Stormbird that defends the area, an approach we warmly recommend if you have a weak character.