Expect Delays is the name of Chapter 5 in Dead Space 3, the video game, and it also features a large number of collectibles.
At the end of Chapter 4, Isaac arrives in a large spaceship called Terra Nova.
Now, he must find a way to get off the derelict ship. Our Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 collectibles guide includes useful screenshots and hints, and players who wish to get a 100% completion rate in Expect Delays should use it in the same order as suggested below.
Chapter 5 also includes an optional mission which features additional hidden Dead Space 3 collectables.
Mission Description
Terra Nova Airlock Whether they return to Earth, or explore the frozen wasteland of Tau Volantis, Isaacs team cant go anywhere until they recover a shuttle. Buckells research into the S.C.A.F. manifests shows that there is a shuttle in the Aft Station of the Terra Nova.
Collectibles Guide
Hidden collectibles available: 24
Artifacts: 3
Logs: 9
Weapon Parts: 6
Circuits: 6
Weapon Part #1 (Heavy Standard Frame)
As soon as you arrive to Terra Nova, you start Chapter 5. The first thing to do is to open the first door to the airlock.
Before opening the second door you have to collect the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Weapon Part from a shelf on your right.
Log #1 (Audio Log)
Next, you take the elevator to the 2nd level. In the cockpit, on your right side (while facing the windows), is an audio log that can be started using the action button.
This is the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Log.
Artifact #1 (S.C.A.F. Artifact 03)
Next to the audio log collectable mentioned above, near the pilot seat, is the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Artifact.
Circuit #1 (+1 Rate of Fire)
After you get the Dead Space 3 Artifact (and the Audio Log), you climb the stairs (where the locator guides you), and on the left wall is a fuse box containing the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Circuit.
Log #2 (Text Log)
Then, just ahead from Circuit #1, you can find the second Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Log, a text log, near a dead body.
Weapon Part #2 (Hydraulic Engine)
You continue with your mission, and after you go down using a ladder you arrive at an intersection where a tutorial starts.
You have to use TK to kill some Necromorphs.
Then you turn around, and just behind the corner is the second Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Weapon Part.
Log #3 (Text Log)
In the room with the engineering bench, where you get attacked by the small Necromorphs that revive the bodies (after getting the scavenger bot), is the third Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Log on a desk near the exit.
Circuit #2 (+1 Reload +1 Damage)
When you arrive at the tram station, you need to check the wall with the big yellow display, because near the tracks is a fuse box with another Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Circuit, the second one in this chapter.
Log #4 (Audio Log)
After the tram gets jammed, the door next to the control panel is unlocked.
You walk until you encounter a new enemy type (the one in the wall), and then you enter through a door in a room where the panels that cover the windows will open.
As soon as you enter the room you have to look on your right side to see the fourth Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Log in the corner.
Weapon Part #3 (Compact Directed Ejection Field)
Next, you go down the stairs near the big windows and you turn around.
You should now see the third Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Weapon Part on top of a small crate.
Log #5 (Text Log)
The fifth Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Log is next to the Weapon Part Collectible mentioned above, near the two lockers.
Log #6 (Audio Log)
After you fall down with the elevator, you arrive in the Cradle Ops section of Terra Nova.
As soon as you exit the elevator, you have to look on your right, because there you will find the sixth Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Log.
Artifact #2 (S.C.A.F. Artifact 04)
Then, in the next room, you watch a video about enemy impalement using Kinesis. After that, you climb the ladder, and immediately on the right side is the second Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Artifact (you have to take a few steps on the catwalk in order to see it).
The next part is a timed one, because you have to escape a regenerating Necromorph. You just follow the path until you reach the tram station, and after the battle you take the tram to MID station.
Even if the text for Chapter 6 shows on screen, you are still in Chapter 5, because MID station is actually the place where Conning Tower optional mission is located.
NOTE: Optional Mission Conning Tower begins now.
Conning Tower Weapon Part #1 (Conic Dispersal)
When you arrive at MID Station and you enter the first room, you can see on the window on your left (inside the Central Tram Control Station) the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Weapon Part.
In order to get it you solve the puzzle at the electrical engineering interface to open the door.
Then you head inside the control station to grab the Conic Dispersal Weapon Part from the control panel.
Note: There is also an Audio Log next to the Weapon Part that can be collected, but that particular Dead Space 3 Log actually counts as a Chapter 6 collectible. You can activate it now or return for it later.
Conning Tower Circuit #1 (+1 Reload +1 Clip)
After you acquire the Conning Tower Key you have to open the locked door that is outside the Control Station. Shortly after that you will end up in a room where you get trapped.
Here are some enemies that cannot be killed, so in order to solve the puzzle to open the door you have to trick the invincible Necromorphs to go down the stairs, use Stasis on them, and then get back up using the ladder.
Next, even more invincible enemies spawn and you have to shoot some power boxes to cut down the electricity.
After the last electricity trap you have to use a cargo lift to go down a level. Before using the cargo lift you turn around and on the bench in front of you is the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Circuit.
Conning Tower Circuit #2 (+1 Reload +1 Rate of Fire)
After the gravity plating is reversed you have to find a way to shut it down. At this point you will follow the path until you find a door that can be unlocked using a Tungsten Torque Bar.
Assuming you have one in your inventory, you use it and you get inside to get the second Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Circuit from the fuse box.
Conning Tower Weapon Part #2 (Rotator Cuff Module)
The second Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Weapon Part is inside the room that opens with the Tungsten Torque Bar.
Conning Tower Artifact #1 (S.C.A.F. Artifact 05)
In the engine room you have to take down the stairs to the lowest level.
Thats because the only Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Artifact is on a box behind a chair (nearest corner as you enter the room; you can use the ladder to get down exactly near the Artifact).
It is where you have to solve the puzzle in order to escape the room.
Conning Tower Log #1 (Text Log)
After the engine room, you will end up in the generator room where you have to slow it down using TK.
If you go down the stairs you will find the first Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Log.
Conning Tower Log #2 (Text Log)
You disable the generator and then you backtrack your way where the gravity blocked your path. You get inside the elevator and you select the 2nd level.
As soon as you exit the elevator you can collect the second Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Log from the table on your left.
Conning Tower Log #3 (Text Log)
Next, you grab Edwards Access Key from the 2nd level and you take the elevator to the 3rd level.
In the middle of the room is Edwards dead body, and next to it, the third Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Log, which is triggered automatically.
Conning Tower Weapon Part #3 (Medic Support)
Now you need to use the cargo lift to get on the upper level and open the locked door using the Access Key.
Inside you can find a large chest that holds the third Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Weapon Part.
Conning Tower Circuit #3 (+1 Rate of Fire +1 Clip)
In the same chest where you find the Weapon Part mentioned above you can find the third Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Circuit.
Conning Tower Circuit #4 (+1 Reload +1 Damage)
Also, the fourth Dead Space 3 Chapter 5 Conning Tower Circuit is in the same chest.
After you kill the remaining Necromorphs you head back to the tram and you select AFT Station to begin Chapter 6.